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Archive for February, 2010

How “smart dust” will change our lives

Friday, February 19th, 2010

“Smart dust. Sounds like a new cleaning agent, or perhaps a “designer” drug from the Eighties. But smart dust, emerging in an era of ever-increasing processor speeds and nanotechnological breakthroughs, promises transformative changes in the way we live.

Smart dust refers to collections of minuscule sensors that can monitor and transmit data such as temperature, humidity, light, location and acceleration. They can detect chemicals or gases in the air. And eventually they will transmit sound and images as well.”

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Embedded mobile & M2M device revenues to rise to almost $19 billion globally by 2014

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

“According to Juniper Research, revenues from Mobile Connected M2M and Embedded Devices will rise to $18.9 billion globally by 2014, with consumer and commercial telematics and in vehicle applications accounting for over a third of the total.  Other areas which will contribute significantly to M2M revenues include Mobile Connected Buildings, driven by security needs, and Utility Metering, driven by regulatory initiatives in Europe and economic stimulus funds in the US.”

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