Archive for the ‘smart news’ Category
Tuesday, July 19th, 2011
“No. 1: The Internet of Things
We have passed the threshold where more things are connected to the Internet than people. The transition to IPv6 also supports seemingly limitless connectivity. Cisco IBSG predicts the number of Internet-connected things will reach 50 billion by 2020, which equates to more than six devices for every person on Earth. Many of us in the developed world already have three or more full-time devices connected to the Internet when factoring in PCs, smartphones, tablets, television devices and the like. Next up are sensor networks, using low-power sensors that “collect, transmit, analyze and distribute data on a massive scale,” says Evans.”
Read More: http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/071511-cisco-futurist.html?hpg1=bn
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Thursday, May 6th, 2010
“The IPSO Alliance, the leading organization defining the “Internet of Things,” today announced the successful interoperability of two critical new elements of the IPv6 protocol for small, resource-constrained embedded devices known as “Smart Objects.” Tested at an event in Anaheim, Calif., the interoperability of RPL, the emerging, IETF-specified, IPv6 routing protocol for low power and lossy networks, and of 6LoWPAN-HC, a header compression format for highly efficient IPv6 packet delivery over IEEE® 802.15.4 low-power wireless personal area networks (WPAN), are key to connecting smart objects such as meters, sensors or control devices, and smart appliances over the Internet.”
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Thursday, April 8th, 2010
The coming convergence of wireless communications, social networking and medicine will transform health care
“…The hope is that nimble new technologies, from smart-phones to EHRs to health-monitoring devices, will empower patients and doctors, and thus improve outcomes while cutting costs. The near ubiquity of mobile phones is the chief reason to think this optimistic scenario may come true. Patients with fancy smart-phones can certainly benefit from interactive “wellness” applications that track diet, exercise and vital signs. Apple’s App Store, for example, offers thousands of health-related applications. Jitterbug, an American mobile operator that offers easy-to-use phones for the elderly, recently added more health services; rival mobile carriers are doing much the same.”
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Thursday, April 8th, 2010
“…In an initiative with the Climate Group, the company this week wrote a letter and hosted a summit at its Washington DC offices to urge Barack Obama to adopt a goal of providing every household with real time information about their electricity use.
“By giving people the ability to monitor and manage their energy consumption, for instance, via their computers, phones or other devices, we can unleash the forces of innovation in homes and businesses,” says the letter, signed by more than 40 leading businesses and environmental groups.”
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Thursday, March 18th, 2010
“The world’s second Internet of Things Conference is scheduled to take place at the end of November in Tokyo. The deadline for papers was just extended to June 1 – which gave us an idea. Conference planners have put together a list of suggested topics for papers. We took that list and then rounded up our ongoing reporting and analysis for each of the eight topics as a way to help you understand how vast and far reaching IoT will end up being.”
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Thursday, March 4th, 2010
“The enthralling, attractive, internet-accessing, low-powered television that companies such as TiVo offer in their vision of the future sounds pretty tempting. In truth, however, it will be a long time coming and only the start of a new digital wave that is gradually building already.
A clue to this lies, for instance, with a host of major house-builders: when installing cables for power and lighting, Barratt, Persimmon and other developers now also put in cables for home audio and video. Purchasers are then offered a multimedia pack, and all that’s required is the drilling of a few holes in the right place. Plug in a suitable hi-fi, fire up the system and individual, seamless music and video in every room is available immediately. Stage two is simply plugging this lot into the internet.”
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Friday, February 19th, 2010
“Smart dust. Sounds like a new cleaning agent, or perhaps a “designer” drug from the Eighties. But smart dust, emerging in an era of ever-increasing processor speeds and nanotechnological breakthroughs, promises transformative changes in the way we live.
Smart dust refers to collections of minuscule sensors that can monitor and transmit data such as temperature, humidity, light, location and acceleration. They can detect chemicals or gases in the air. And eventually they will transmit sound and images as well.”
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